Timeline of the Explorers

Timeline of the Explorers

What mexicanos taught Americans timeline

What mexicanos taught Americans timeline

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

9 step lesseon Plan

Topic: Westward Expansion

Concept: Founding of the west, immigration, and Mexican influence.

Essential Question: How did the finding and immigration to the west affect us today?

Connection: In the West, Chinese immigration made the settlers jealous of their work and started being racist towards them. How about the Mexican immigration today? How can this relate?

Direct Teaching:

Jeff & Willie are going to talk about chapter 17

Hunter & Ryan will be talking about chapter 16

Patrick will be operating the power point.

Step-By-Step: Audience will be handed a sheet with an important event in it, they must make a skit that includes the information.

Student-Centered Activity: Make a skit with a certain event tied to it.

Assessment: Walk around.


We ask questions to students about what they have learned.

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