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Monday, April 7, 2008

The newpaper

Newspaper of the earlier century

Joseph Smith was born in 1805. He was the leader of the Mormons. He had very weird parents, his mom was named Lucy and his father was named Joseph Smith too. In 1820 Joseph Smith found the book of Mormon. After reading it, he published the book that began the Mormon religion.

Joseph Smith were very weird parents. Lucy the mom and Joseph the dad had very unique parents and also very strange. Lucy was an psychic palm reader. As for his dad, he was a treasure hunter he has been trying to find the booty of Captain Kidd.

Joseph Smith was leader because he was handed a book of the Mormons, supposedly handed to him by an angel while he was in the forest praying to God. He also said he saw God and God sent the angel to give him the book of Mormon. The angel said, this book contains 25,000 words, and it was about the everlasting gospel. Supposedly the book contained many words as the King James English Bible. Then they make King James Bible. After he got the book he started a religion with other people that were called the Mormons. The Mormons religion was about polygamy. That said that you can have more then one wife in the book it said that there was some gigantic pair of spectacles which he called "the Urim and Thummim. He used these for the spectacles were for translating the hieroglyphics on the plates. With the help of his only legal wife and a friend named Oliver Cowdery, Joe translated the plates and published the Book of Mormon in 1830.

He thought his task was to help other people and make them believe in this religion. After a few years the angle came back and told Joseph Smith that the book belonged to Mormon so Joseph Smith Named the religion the Mormons or Mormonism. Then he went with everyone that was a Mormon and first went to New York then He went Ohio then Missouri then the Missouri made the Mormons leave . Joseph smith was murdered Illinois. Young continued polygamy while he took place of Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith had 27 wives. When Joseph died, No one wanted to take reason ability of the Mormons as the leader so Brigham Young took the responsibility of the Mormons and also took responsibility for his family. In the Mormons religion there had many wife’s they called it polygamy. The Mormons moved almost every day the woman’s worked all day long from feeding kids to helping everyone in the field and growing crops.

Then one day the Mormons came to a place called Salt Lake City now is Utah and Brigham young wanted to stay there and be peace full. Brigham Young led them there by then there was a huge population there were 125000 people in the Mormons religion and they stayed in Salt Lake City.

While they were living in Salt lake city that is now called Utah they had to work very hard to get there food. They worked even harder to get water for something to drink while they were having dinner to looking for meat. In order to get water they had to climb a mountain or go to the closes stream near where they were. A few years later, like 50 years later there were allot more people that joined the Mormons religion or Mormonism. Their was about 7 million people that were new to being a Mormon.

Sources about Mormonism :



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