Timeline of the Explorers

Timeline of the Explorers

What mexicanos taught Americans timeline

What mexicanos taught Americans timeline

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

What mexican taught Americans

In the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo United states acquired a large Mexican Territory. Eighty thousand. Mexicans lived in this territory. The Treaty promised the Mexicans full citizenship rights. The Mexicans were now called Mexicans-Americans. The Americans inherited some words from the Mexicans like: Barbecue chocolate, Tornado, and corral.
Mining was introduced by the Mexicans. They introduced the idea of the gold pan. They also call it the batea. They also showed how the Americans how they used it. The Mexicans also showed how to mine silver from the quartz in the mountains.
The Mexicans loved to round up cattle. The rodeo was one of their favorite pastimes. In their rodeos they tried to ride bucking horses and bucking bulls. The Americans adopted Mexican clothing: sombreros, ponchos from the vaqueros. The vaqueros were called Mexican cowboys. They also used ten gallon hats.
They taught the Americans how to round up their cattle without using a dog.
They also really like the idea of the raising sheep, because of the value of wool clothing. They would call the sheep ugly burros. This became the most important industry for Mexicans and Americans.
The Mexicans used a system of irrigation with there food. While they were working on the farms they had to keep enough water on the farm to keep their plants moist. They had to have enormous amount of water. It was a hard job to keep the plant from dying. They retrieved their water from the nearest stream, or river. They kept a wall of rocks around the entire farm. This was known as the Mexican system.
Mexicans were building their houses out of adobe bricks. In order to make adobe, they used were earth grass and water to shape the bricks. They also, covered their walls with red clay tiles. These people had patios, and verandas. Americans liked adobe because it was cool in summer and warm in winter. One million adobe homes had been built in California by 1930.
Americans used the Mexican laws on mining, water, and community property. They used these new laws because it eastern laws did not work in the west. They need to share water because there was less water in the west. The idea behind the Community property law was that when you were divorced, the property is split. Both Men and women had equal right to the house.
In the Mexican culture they loved dancing. They dance the la Banba. They also have a lot of fiestas, including the Cinco de Mayo and Guadalupe patron of Mexico. There are a lot of customs that the Americans have taken from the Mexicans.

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